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Journal Publications
  • Hocine, A., & Kouaissah, N. (2020). XOR analytic hierarchy process and its application in the renewable energy sector. Omega, 97, 102082.

  • Hocine, A., Zhuang, Z.-Y., Kouaissah, N., & Li, D.-C. (2020). Weighted-additive fuzzy multichoice goal programming (WA-FMCGP) for supporting renewable energy site selection decisions. European Journal of Operational Research, 285(2), 642–654.

  • Kouaissah, N., & Hocine, A. (2020). Optimizing sustainable and renewable energy portfolios using a fuzzy interval goal programming approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 144(1), 106448.

  • Hocine, A., Guellil, M. S., Dogan, E., Ghouali, S., & Kouaissah, N. (2020). A fuzzy goal programming with interval target model and its application to the decision problem of renewable energy planning. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 27(3), 527–547.

  • Kouaissah, N., & Hocine, A. (2020). Forecasting systemic risk in portfolio selection: The role of technical trading rules. Journal of Forecasting. Published.

  • Zhuang, Z.-Y., & Hocine, A. (2018). Meta goal programing approach for solving multi-criteria de Novo programing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 265(1), 228–238.

  • Hocine, A., Kouaissah, N., Bettahar, S., & Benbouziane, M. (2018). Optimizing renewable energy portfolios under uncertainty: A multi-segment fuzzy goal programming approach. Renewable Energy, 129, 540–552. 

- Claude Bernard -

“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”


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